12 Sep 2003
EFT now available for payment of accounts
We now offer payment of our accounts by automated Electronic Funds transfer system as well as accepting Bankcard, Mastercard and Visa.
If you are interested in using these methods of payment, phone the office and we do all the paperwork and post you a receipt. we would like to remind all our customers that we pay monitoring fees on your behalf, to your monitoring base in advance. ALL FEES NEED TO BE PAID TO US BY THE DUE DATE. Constant late payment of fees may result in your monitoring being suspended until the account is brought upto date. We understand that some companies accounting procedures require an invoice by a particular date to be processed. Please advise if this is the case and we will arrange to send those invoices earlier. If you have a question relating to accounts please contact Jenny.
11 Sep 2003
Adequate security system
As time passes, premises layouts change and equipment locations change. Your existing coverage and/or communications to base may no longer be adequate.
We would appreciate it if you would take a few minutes to review your security system and if you would like to discuss this with us further please contact our office.
Remember that your alarm needs a little maintenance from time to time. Below is a brief checklist.
Check and clean sensors
- Test the system regularly
- Check the operation of all sirens and strobes
- Check your system power and supply and standby battery
- Check control panel operations and back to base signaling.
PLEASE NOTE: You need to advise your base before testing on 1300 655 009.
10 Sep 2003
ADSL broadband internet connections & alarm systems
We have been advised by your monitoring base that there may be some interference from the installation of ADSL Broadband internet connections with your alarms system.
The problem occurs when the alarm system at your premises incorrectly hears the permanent ADSL connection signals from your premises, the premises next door or down the street using the same cable or cables adjacent to yours. It is not necessarily every signal sent but could be responsible for excessive phone calls, lost test or alarm signals or line seizure. This can result in alarms or events not being received by the monitoring base.
MCM have produced a in-line micro filter/splitter (ASDLF). This filter is designed to separate the telephone service from the ADSL data. We can install these filters from $120.00 including labour. If you ADSL modem is wired after the alarm socket, this price could vary.
If you would like to arrange to have this filter fitted please contact Jenny on (02) 4572 7207 Tues, Thurs or Friday between 9:30am and 2:45pm.
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